Thursday, September 14, 2006

Does your taste in music dictate your social life ?
As per a London psychologist hip hop music fans are likely to have had more sex while those who stick to the classics have tried cannabis .Meanwhile another researcher in Scotland found that IQ scores not only determine your intelligence but your capacity to tolerate a hangover. British fertility clinic are also overcoming a shortage of home-grown sperm by importing it from Denmark.Me think they should import some brain cells as well.

Pinocchio might be the most popular puppet to spring out of Western literature but its origin and
legacy seems to span beyond the norm set out for it within children fairy tale and Hollywood films. This article offers a broader perspective. It is interesting to note the Christological allegory comparing Pinocchio, the creation of the carpenter whose name in the story derives from Giuseppe or Joseph and the fact that the puppet must die in order to be reborn as a transfigured being. The blue fairy thus becomes the Virgin Mary considering that she has traditionally been depicted with a blue mantle.


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