Flow Charting your design in software engineering in his popular book
The Mythical Man-Month
"The flow-chart is the most thoroughly oversold piece of program documentation. Many programs don't need
flow chart at all; few programs need more than one-page flow chart....."
"The detailed blow-by-blow flow chart is an obsolete nuisance, suitable only for initiating beginners into algorithmic thinking. When introduced by Goldstine and von Neumann the little boxes and their contents served as
a high-level language grouping the inscrutable machine-language statements into clusters of significance. As Iversion early recognized, in a systematic high-level language the clustering is already done, and each box contains a statement. Then the boxes themselves become no more than a tedious and space-hogging exercise in drafting; they might as well be eliminated. Then nothing is left but the arrows. The arrows joining a statement to its successor are redundant; erase them. That leaves only GO TO's. And if one follows good practice and use block structure to minimize GO TO's, there aren't many arrows, but they aid comprehension immensely. One might as well draw them on the listing and eliminate the flow chart altogether..."
- Chapter 15 - "The Other Face", Page 167-168
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